Great to hear you’re healing well, and have managed this trip. Wonderful writing, and look forward to hearing more of your insights from walking the Netherlands.

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Thank you Clare. Good to hear from you. Best wishes from a cheap hotel in Amsterdam!

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Welcome in my hometown and country. But the part of Amsterdam I’m looking out on, is in reality called ‘Bijlmermeer’ (or just ’Bijlmer’, or among its muticultural youth: ‘The Bims’). Good luck on the rest of your trip!

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It was fascinating - especially as I was able to talk to Geert Mak and others yesterday about it. They said it had about a decade where it was absolutely awful, but after the metro reached it things started to improve. I remember back in 1992 when I heard about the El Al 1862 crash I thought it was extraordinary that they didn't know how many people lived in those appartments! Today it was very peaceful and sunny, and a million miles away from those days. Thanks Maurice.

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